Submit a resource!

Resources are reviewed by members of the Energy Tech Nexus. We value founder friendly services and finding the best solution for our community.  Share with us how you uniquely save founders time and brainspace.

1. Provider Information

Tell us who you are

2. Resource information

Share with us your resource and why its great for founders.  This form will be used to directly feed the summary card, so think about how you want your business to be displayed.

This goes on the front page as short text. 15 words or less
This is an executive summary of your offering 25-50 words is best.
Tell us who our service is best for
Would you be interested and providing a benefit to Nexus member referrals AKA discounts or consultations

Please share a link to your website’s homepage

Please share a Google Drive or Imgur link of your listing images
Square icon and logo


Thank you

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We will get back to you within 1 week.
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